FCKD|FIXD trailer load out this weekend, October 7-8, 10-5 pm each day.
Please confirm:
- If you can make this weekend and approximately which day/time
- If you cannot make this weekend and would like F|F to hold your gear for a future date
Note, the trailer will be moved from the Alexandria location to a storage site located at: 4195 Livingston Rd Indian Head MD 20640 on or before the end of October.
If you need F|F to hold your freight for a future pickup date, please let us know ASAP so we can work out the details.
FCKD|FIXD – A Burning Man Camp
… saving people’s Burn, one bitchin’ repair at time
The Beatles once said, “I get by with a little help from my friends” — which in no way undermines the concept of Radical Self-reliance.
Many is the Burner, who, for want of a single part or tool suffered a less than glorious burn. Our vision is to be that friend who in the bottom of a chest, on the top of a shelf or right there on the desk, has the part or tool that will bring joy to our fellow burner in need.
Our camp, FCKD|FIXD, hopes to bring joy to the inhabitants of BRC in the form of a fully equipped repair shop stocked with as many random parts, widgets, and miscellania as can fit in a 53’ trailer. We intend to weld, cut, lube, fix, patch, glue, braze, replace, repair, plumb, wire, solder, drill, charge, illuminate and educate our way to nirvana. Gifting our talents and treasures to those in need of a little help from their friends.
The playa may provide, but we will have it in the right size! Along with a wondrous myriad of parts, and a tool chest of indescribable pleasure, we will have workshops on common topics such as basic plumbing, welding, electrical and gadget repair.
FCKD|FIXD will also have an on-demand library of user manuals and repair guides for those self-reliant types who enjoy a little guidance. At FCKD|FIXD we can fix most anything except your personality.

Today I wanted to take just a few minutes to tip my hat to each and every one of my fellow FCKD|FIXD Camp mates who helped Gizzy (Gregg Smith) and I (Magento/Fred Troncone) pull off the impossible!!
What is FCKD|FIXD all about?
A Burning Man camp, a non-profit organization, and possibly your future favorite Burner friends.


Have Something to DONATE?
Let us know. Camp FckdFixd is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt entity – all donations to our camp are tax deductible, and our exclusive purpose is to support artists, theme camps and other Burners in need of emergency assistance, gratis, and with as much love and passion as we can muster.